When using the Holaras topping machines, the haulm is not pulled off, but cut of by fast rotating blades. This avoids damage because the blades do not touch the onions. The number of directed vibrations transmitted by specially designed vibrator-motors on the vibration-sieves is such that the onions move in a floating motion over the vibrationnsieves. The haulm (tops) are drawn through the openings into the sieves by a heavy airstream, downward, and then cut by the blades.
The vibrator-sieves are easy to change. The vibrator-sieves are available for almost all types and sizes of onions and shallots, from 6 - 40 mm. Seed onions, picklers, medium and ware-onions, shallots, are topped without difficulty by the Holaras topper without being damaged. It is important to use a sieve which is sutable for each kind of onion. A regular supply is wanted. This can be achieved using the Holaras bulk hopper and pre-grader.
For the complete onion production-line are availeble : Holaras haulmtoppers, onion windrowers, pre-grading equipment and onion toppers.